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2025 Annual Conference

2024 Conference Report

Looking Forward to 2025

The CSA will be participating in the 2025 Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) Congress at George Brown College in Toronto, Ontario from Sunday, June 1 through Thursday, June 5.   This Conference will be held fully in-person.   We are also planning a second section of the Conference outside of Congress with fully virtual sessions from Monday, June 9 through Friday, June 13.  Final details will be shared with the Call for Abstracts in December.

Although some members have suggested holding our Conference independent of Congress, this would not be possible for 2025.   The CSA Executive Committee is discussing our options for 2026 and will seek input from members over the coming months. 

2025 Conference Theme: Committing Sociology for Social Impact

The Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) first embraced the slogan 'Commit Sociology' in 2013 in response to the then Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's dismissive reference to the discipline. We continue to highlight the research work conducted by students, scholars, and community engaged practitioners contributing to a better understanding of society. This year's conference will feature sessions focusing on how we build partnerships between academia and diverse publics for social impact within Canada and globally.

Call for Session Proposals: October 1 - November 1, 2025

Call for Abstracts: December 4, 2024 - January 27, 2025

Conference Participation Policies

Funding Programs

Past Conferences

Student Awards

Best Student Paper Award

Congress Graduate Student Merit Award

Research Cluster Best Student Paper Awards

2024 Conference Report

The Canadian Sociological Association’s 2024 Conferenced was originally scheduled in 2 sections; fully virtual sessions from June 3–7 and fully in-person sessions from June 17-21.

The second section was organized in partnership with the FHSS Congress and McGill University. Many challenges arose which impacted our members personally, professionally, and financially. The decision was ultimately made to withdraw from the Congress.  Refer to the official statements.

Using our experience in the first section of the conference, we were able to pivot the second section to a virtual format as well. From June 17-21, we hosted 157 virtual paper presentation sessions (with 518 papers), panels, and research cluster meetings. An additional 13 sessions were held in-person or in hybrid format in Montreal but outside of Congress. An estimated 700+ people attended sessions during this week.

The CSA Conference experienced a deficit for 2024 due to non-refundable supplier costs, Congress cancellation fees, lost sponsorship, member refunds, and additional expenses associated with running the conference virtually.

However, the CSA fulfilled their commitment to support members by;

  • Issuing letters upon request for members to provide to their institutions or funding agencies explaining why an in-person presentation was not possible and asking that their funding commitment for travel and accommodation be granted.
  • Processing funding program claims for those who were approved for the Student Travel Grant Program, Conference Participation Subsidy, and Childcare Subsidy for which in-person participation was originally required (if other eligibility requirements were met).
  • Providing partial refunds for eligible individual participants who notified the CSA office of their complete withdrawal from the conference between May 14 and June 13.
    • The ‘Association Conference fee’ portion of the Congress delegate registration fees ranging from $60 for the ‘Special Reduced’ or ‘Reduced‘ delegate categories to $100 for the ‘Regular Attendee’ delegate category.
  • Advocating for additional compensation for our members from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS).
    • The FHSS will not be providing any additional refunds for individual members but have offered to reduce the Congress withdrawal fees owed by the CSA.

We truly appreciate our members for their patience and understanding in addition to the extra work required to re-organize the Conference Program.

View the 2024 Conference Program