(SOM5) How to publish books and journal articles on migration: Insights from experts

Conference Highlights, Panels and Plenary, Professional Development, Virtual-CSA
Sociology of Migration

This in-person panel will provide insights on how to effectively publish one’s research on migration as academic books and journal articles. The panelists consist of former Canadian journal editors and Canadian Sociological Association members who published their migration research as academic books. They will share with the audience their hands-on experiences in soliciting manuscripts as editors and working with Canadian academic publishers as book authors. This panel is intended for early career researchers (e.g., graduate students, post-doctoral fellows) in the field of migration who are interested in publishing their research in the forms of academic books and journal articles. The Sociology of Migration Research Cluster proposes this panel in response to suggestions from participants during the 2023 SOM RC business meeting.

Panelists (additional panelists pending confirmation):

  • Tracey L. Adams, Western University
  • Vic Satzewich, McMaster University
  • Lori Wilkinson, University of Manitoba
Tags: Migration and Immigration, Professional Development

Organizers: Lisa Kaida, McMaster University, Lori Wilkinson, University of Manitoba, Monica Boyd, University of Toronto