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John Porter Tradition of Excellence Book Award

The John Porter Tradition of Excellence Book Award, originally named the The John Porter Memorial Book Prize, was created in 1980 by the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association in memory of John Porter for the purpose of recognizing outstanding published scholarly contributions within the "John Porter Tradition" to the advancement of sociological knowledge in Canada. Porter, who died in 1979, was arguably the dominant Canadian sociologist of the post World War Two period.

The Canadian Sociological Association is no longer accepting nominations for the John Porter Award Tradition of Excellence Book Award.

Please refer to our other Book Awards.

Canadian Sociology Book Award
Global Sociology Book Award
Prix d'excellence en sociologie de langue française


Year Author Book


Cranford, Cynthia Home Care Fault Lines: Understanding Tensions and Creating Alliances.  Cornell University Press, 2020

2022 Honourable Mention

Madibbo, Amal Blackness and la Francophonie: Anti-Black Racism, Linguicism and the Construction and Negotiation of Multiple Minority Identities. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2021


Denis, Jeffrey
Canada at a Crossroads: Boundaries, Bridges, and Laissez-Faire Racism in Indigenous-Settler Relations. University of Toronto Press, 2020


Laxer, Emily
Unveiling the Nation: The Politics of Secularism in France and Quebec. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2019


Adams, Tracey L.
Regulating Professions: The Emergence of Professional Self- Regulation in Four Canadian Provinces. University of Toronto Press, 2018


Zubrzycki, Genevieve
Beheading the Saint: Nationalism, Religion, and Secularism in Quebec. University of Chicago Press, 2016


Lauster, Nathanael The Death and Life of the Single-Family House: Lessons from Vancouver on Building a Livable City. Temple University Press, 2016


Satzewich, Victor Points of Entry: How Canada's Immigration Officers Decide Who Gets In. UBC Press, 2015


Kazemipur, Abdolmohammad The Muslim Question in Canada:  A Story of Segmented Integration. UBC Press, 2014


Kennedy, James Liberal nationalisms: Empire, State and Civil Society in Scotland and Quebec. McGill-Queen's Press, 2013

2014 Honourable Mention

Curtis, Bruce Ruling by Schooling Quebec: Conquest to Liberal Governmentality
— A Historical Sociology. University of Toronto Press, 2012


Wood, Lesley J. Direct Action, Deliberation, and Diffusion: Collective Action after the WTO Protests in Seattle. Cambridge University Press, 2012


Winter, Elke Us, Them, and Others: Pluralism and National Identity in Diverse Societies. University of Toronto Press, 2011
2011 Helmes-Hayes, Rick Measuring the Mosaic: An Intellectual Biography of John Porter. University of Toronto Press, 2010
2011 Honourable Mention Fox, Bonnie When Couples become Parents. University of Toronto, 2009
2011 Honourable Mention Young, Nathan and Matthews, Ralph The Aquaculture Controversy. University of British Columbia Press, 2010
2010 Goyder, John The Prestige Squeeze. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2009
2009 Clement, Dominique Canada's Rights Revolution: Social Movements and Social Change, 1937-82. University of British Columbia Press, 2008
2008 Foster, Cecil Blackness and Modernity: The Colour of Humanity and the Quest for Freedom. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007
2007 Doucet, Andrea Do Men Mother? University of Toronto Press, 2006
2006   No award made /  Pas de prix attribué
2005 Carroll,  William K. Corporate Power in a Globalizing World. Oxford University Press, 2003
2004 High, Steven Industrial Sunset: The Making of North America's Rust Belt, 1969-1984. University of Toronto Press, 2003
2003 Winson, Anthony
Leach, Belinda
Contingent Work, Disrupted Lives: Labour and Community in the New Rural Economy. University of Toronto Press, 2002.
2002 Curtis, Bruce The Politics of Population: State Statistics, and the Census of Canada 1840-1875. University of Toronto Press, 2001.
2001 Beaujot, Roderic Earning and Caring in Canadian Families. Broadview Press, 2000.
2000 McLellan, Janet Many Petals of the Lotus: Five Asian Communities in Toronto. University of Toronto Press, 1999.
1999 Livingstone, David W. The Education-Jobs Gap: Underemployment or Economic Democracy. Westview Press, 1998.
1995 Greer, Allan The Patriots and the People: The Rebellion of 1837 in Lower Canada. University of Toronto Press, 1993.
1993 Anderson, Kay Vancouver's Chinatown. McGill-Queen's University Press, 1991.
1992 Laxer, Gordon Open for Business: The Roots of Foreign Ownership in Canada. Oxford University Press, 1989.
1990 Smith, Dorothy The Everyday World as Problematic: A Feminist Sociology. University of Toronto Press, 1987.
1989 Delage, Denys Le Pays renversé: Amérindiens et Européens en Amérique du Nord-Est, 1600-1664, Boréal Express, 1987
1988 Carroll, William Corporate Power and Canadian Capitalism. UBC Press, 1986
1987 Trigger, Bruce Natives and Newcomers. McGill-Queen's University Press, 1985
1986 Marchak, Patricia Green Gold. University of British Columbia Press, 1983.
1985 MacGregor, David The Communist Ideal in Hegel and Marx, U of T Press, 1984
1984 Clarkson, Stephen Canada and the Regan Challenge. Canadian Institute for Economic Policy, 1982.
1983 Niosi, Jorge Canadian Capitalism. James Lorimer, 1981.