Brock University

Brock University
Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track Teaching-Intensive
Critical Criminology with Quantitative Methods
Application Deadline: May 4, 2025
The Faculty of Social Sciences invites applications for a tenure-track teaching-intensive position in the Department of
Sociology at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning January 1, 2026. The Department’s Critical Criminology (honours) and Sociology undergraduate programs include common required courses (introduction to sociology, theory and methods), as well as several cross-listed electives. All faculty members teach students in both programs, providing a
sociological foundation to the criminology degree, and resulting in flexible program pathways for students.
The workload of a Teaching-Intensive Faculty member shall normally be 60% teaching (equivalent to 3 half courses per
Fall and Winter terms), 20% research/scholarly/creative activities and 20% service.