Canada back in the ISSP

Canada is back in the ISSP! The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is a cross-national collaboration conducting annual surveys on diverse topics relevant to the social sciences. These topics include Role of Government, Social Networks, Social Inequality, Family and Changing Gender Roles, Work Orientation, Religion, Environment, National Identity and Citizenship, Digital Societies, Leisure Time and Sports, as well as Health and Health Care. The ISSP has been running since 1984, and currently includes 44 member countries from around the globe, including Canada. Since its foundation, over one million respondents have participated in the surveys of the ISSP. All collected data and documentation are available free of charge, and are an important source of high-quality data that students, emerging researchers and seasoned scholars can use to answer a wide variety of research questions in the social sciences.
Canada has been in the ISSP in the past between 1992-2012, and is now back in again. From 2023-2028, the ISSP for Canada is being administered at the University of Waterloo, led by Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme from the Department of Sociology and Legal Studies and in partnership with UWaterloo's Statistical Consulting and Survey Research Unit.
For more details, visit the ISSP Canada website:
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