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The Executive Committee has the power to create and disband subcommittees but must seek approval from the membership for official status and representation on the Executive Committee. The Association has considered the needs and concerns of the membership to create and define the subcommittees below.

Subcommittee members are elected by the CSA membership.  Each subcommittee selects a chair who will then attend meetings as part of the Executive Committee.

**Information for 2024-2025 coming soon.**

  • Anti-Islamophobia Subcommittee

    2023-2024 Subcommittee members

    Nadiya Ali, Trent University (Chair)

    Nooreen Hussain, York University

    Rashmee Karnad-Jani, University of Toronto

    Ayesha Mian Akram, University of Windsor

    Established in June 2023.

    This subcommittee was proposed by members of the Association to draw attention to Bill 21 in Quebec, passed in 2019 and upheld in 2021, which “bars public school teachers, police officers, judges and government lawyers, among other civil servants in positions of authority, from wearing religious symbols — such as hijabs, crucifixes or turbans — while at work” (Rukavina CBC, Aug 04, 2022). A range of collective action against the Bill on claims of racism, discrimination, and Islamophobia by a coalition of organizations serving minoritized groups effected by the bill has garnered national attention. These efforts have included legal challenges by the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM), a national human rights and civil liberties organization, as well as Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) (CBC News, Nov 07, 2022).

    With attention to the context of state-led Islamophobia and racism perpetuated by the Bill 21 and the escalation of Islamophobia in Canada we urge the Association to move to approve this motion of forming a Subcommittee tasked with working with community organizations to address concerns of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism. The most urgent task will involve working closely with the National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) to ensure the safety and wellbeing of members as they engage with and attend CSA conferences at Congress.

    The mandate of the Subcommittee includes:

    • Bring current and emerging issues of concern dealing with Islamophobia and Anti- Muslim Racism to the attention of the Association.

    • Take a decidedly critical intersectional approach to Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Racism with attention to Gendered Islamophobia and Anti-Black Islamophobia.

    • Represent the Association on external committees dealing with Islamophobia and Anti- Muslim Racism issues as relevant.

    • Communicate anti-Islamophobic resources to the membership that will serve to make CSA a more inclusive and engaging space for all sociologists.

    • Regularly work to amplify and support community efforts of combatting Islamophobia, both in academia and more broadly.

    • Incorporate initiatives to resolve systemic racism into the regular business of the Association and annual conferences.

    • Assign members to other Association committees (e.g., Awards, Nominations, etc.) if deemed appropriate.

    • Organize special sessions on Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Racism at the annual conference and other meetings.

  • Black Caucus

    2023-2024 Subcommittee members

    Johanne Jean-Pierre, York University (Chair)

    Alana Butler, Queen's University

    Natalie Delia Deckard, University of Windsor

    Julius Haag, University of Toronto

    Oceane Jasor, Concordia University

    An ad hoc committee was formed by the Executive Committee in 2020 and was ratified as an official subcommittee by the membership at the 2021 Annual General Meeting.

    This subcommittee has a minimum of three members and a maximum of six members as elected by the membership. One of these members should be a graduate student who will hold a cross-appointed position on the Student Concerns Subcommittee.

    The members of the subcommittee choose the chair (who sits on the Executive Committee). Additional consultative members may be appointed by the subcommittee, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to develop policy, participate in programs or initiatives, and take action in special areas or regions, as required.

    The mandate of the committee includes;

    • Bring current and emerging issues of concern dealing with anti-Black racism to the attention of the Association

    • Represent the Association on external committees dealing with anti-Black racism issues as relevant and with the approval of the Executive Committee

    • Communicate relevant resources to the membership and broader community through the Association

    • Incorporate initiatives to resolve systemic racism into the regular business of the Association and annual conferences

    • Assign members to other Association committees (e.g. Awards, Conference Program, Nominations, etc) if deemed appropriate

    • Organize special sessions on anti-Black racism issues at the annual conference and/or as part of the Association webinar series

  • Decolonization Subcommittee

    2023-2024 Subcommittee members

    Jeff Denis, McMaster University (Co-Chair)

    Yvonne Sherwood, University of Toronto (Co-Chair)

    Sofia Locklear, Western University

    Vanessa Watts , McMaster University

    Paul Pritchard, University of Toronto

    Alicia Clifford, McMaster University (Cross-appointed Student Concerns Subcommittee Rep)

    An ad hoc committee was formed by the Executive Committee in 2018 and ratified as an official subcommittee by the membership at the 2019 Annual General Meeting. This subcommittee has a minimum of three members and a maximum of six members as elected by the membership. One of these members should be a graduate student who will hold a cross-appointed position on the Student Concerns Subcommittee.

    The members of the subcommittee choose the chair (who sits on the Executive Committee). Additional consultative members may be appointed by the subcommittee, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to develop policy, participate in programs or initiatives, and take action in special areas or regions, as required.

    The mandate of the committee includes;

    • Bring current and emerging issues of concern dealing with reconciliation, decolonization and settler colonialism to the attention of the Association

    • Represent the Association on external committees dealing with reconciliation issues as relevant and with the approval of the Executive Committee

    • Communicate relevant resources to the membership and broader community through the Association

    • Incorporate reconciliation initiatives into the regular business of the Association and annual conferences

    • Assign members to other Association committees (e.g. Awards, Conference Program, Nominations, etc) if deemed appropriate

    • Organize special sessions on Decolonization issues at the annual conference and/or as part of the Association webinar series

  • Equity Issues Subcommittee

    2023-2024 Subcommittee members

    Jessica Braimoh, York University (Chair)

    Kristen Hardy, University of Winnipeg and Brandon University

    Maureen Kihika, Simon Fraser University

    Mathieu Lizotte, University of Ottawa

    Kristin Lozanski, King's University College, Western

    Pedrom Nasiri, University of Calgary (Cross-appointed Student Concerns Subcommittee Rep)

    This subcommittee has a minimum of three members and a maximum of six members as elected by the membership. One of these members should be a graduate student who will hold a cross-appointed position on the Student Concerns Subcommittee.

    The members of the subcommittee choose the chair (who sits on the Executive Committee). Additional consultative members may be appointed by the subcommittee, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to develop policy, participate in programs or initiatives, and take action in special areas or regions, as required.

    The mandate of this subcommittee;

    • Bring current and emerging issues of concern dealing with equity and injustice to the attention of the association and members

    • Communicate relevant resources to the membership and broader community through the Association

    • Assign members to other Association committees (Awards, Conference Program, Nominations, etc) if deemed appropriate

    • Organize special sessions on Equity issues at the annual conference and/or as part of the Association webinar series

  • Francophone Affairs Subcommittee

    2023-2024 Subcommittee members

    Guillaume Durou, University of Alberta - président

    Marie-Christine Brault, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

    Johanne Jean-Pierre, York University

    Michelle Landry, Université de Moncton

    Myriame Martineau, Université du Québec à Montréal

    Audrey Rousseau, Université du Québec en Outaouais

    Elka Winter, University of Ottawa

    In 2022, the Executive Committee and membership approved this subcommittee in an effort to improve engagement with Francophone sociologists and promote greater visibility of French-language sociological work within the Canadian Sociological Association.

    The subcommittee will have between three and six members as elected by the membership. The Chair (chosen by members of the subcommittee) becomes a member of the Executive Committee. Additional consultative members may be appointed by the subcommittee, with the approval of the Executive Committee to develop policy or take action in special areas or regions, as required.

    The mandate of the committee includes:

    •Bring to the attention to current and emerging issues of concerns faced by French-speaking faculty, students, graduates and postdoctoral researchers

    •To support the Association in the promotion and enhancement of sociological research conducted in French as well as Association activities that take place in French

    •Incorporate French-language initiatives into the regular business of the Association and annual conferences

    •Organize and oversee the promotion and adjudication of the Prix d’excellence en sociologie de langue française

    •Represent the Association on external committees dealing with French-speaking sociologists, sociological studies in French, and sociological research conducted in French

  • Policy, Ethics and Professional Concerns Subcommittee

    2023-2024 Subcommittee members

    Augustine Park, Carleton University (Chair)

    Ronjon Paul Datta, University of Windsor (until December 2023)

    Suzanne McMurphy, University of Windsor (beginning January 2024)

    Eloy Rivas Sanchez, Athabasca University

    This subcommittee has three members as elected by the membership while the members of the subcommittee choose the Chair (who sits on the Executive Committee). Additional consultative members may be appointed by the subcommittee, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to develop policy, participate in programs or initiatives, and take action in special areas or regions, as required.

    The mandate of this subcommittee includes;

    • Convey issues regarding those working or studying within the discipline of Sociology

    • Advise on ethical issues within the Association

    • Assist with Association policy development

    • Membership on the Awards Committees

    • Knowledge sharing through virtual events, website resources, and Conference sessions

  • Research Advisory Subcommittee

    2023-2024 Subcommittee members

    Neda Magbouleh, University of Toronto (Chair)

    Kara Brisson-Boivin, MediaSmarts

    Paulina Garcia-Del Moral, University of Guelph

    Melanie Heath , McMaster University

    This subcommittee has a minimum of three members and a maximum of six members as elected by the membership. Additional consultative members may be appointed by the Subcommittee, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to develop policy, participate in programs or initiatives, and take action in special areas or regions, as required.

    The mandate of this subcommittee includes;

    • Convey issues regarding research and data as relevant to the Association

    • Recommend an Association position on proposals for social science research priorities from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

    • Membership on the Awards Committees

    • Knowledge sharing through virtual events, website resources, and Conference sessions

  • Student Concerns Subcommittee

    2023-2024 Subcommittee members

    J Overholser, University of Calgary (Chair)

    Alicia Clifford, McMaster University

    Andy Holmes, University of Toronto

    Shayan Morshedi, Memorial University

    Pedrom Nasiri, University of Calgary

    Alhan Yazdani, University of Calgary

    Learn more about this Subcommittee and their activities

    This subcommittee includes three elected members representing Canada’s regions: Western (BC, AB, SK, MB), Central (ON, QC), and Eastern (NB, NL, NS, PEI). Three additional elected members will hold cross-appointed positions on this subcommittee representing (and liaising between) the Black Caucus, Decolonization and Equity Subcommittees.

    The members of the subcommittee choose the Chair (who sits on the Executive Committee). Additional consultative members may be appointed by the subcommittee, with the approval of the Executive Committee, to develop policy, participate in programs or initiatives, and take action in special areas or regions, as required.

    The mandate of the subcommittee includes;

    • Identify priorities with respect to issues affecting students

    • Advise on student funding programs and assist with adjudication

    • Stimulate and facilitate communication among students

    • Membership on Association initiatives supporting students

    • Membership on the Awards Committees

    • Knowledge sharing through virtual events, website resources, and Conference sessions