Webinar Archive
The Canadian Sociological Association hosts webinars and virtual events organized by the Executive Committee, Subcommittees, and Research Clusters.
Visit the Resource Hub (Resource Type 'Webinar') for additional information.
Watch recorded webinars on our YouTube Channel
Executive Committee & Subcommittees
- (Re)Prioritizing Pedagogic Feedback: Faculty Experiences with Qualitative Comments from Student Evaluations of Teaching (SETs)
- At the crossroads: Sociologists, policing and social justice
- Autoethnography & The Therapeutic Potential of Academic Writing
- Be prepared, not (too) scared! How sociology graduate students can slay the conference thing
- Canada Versus America Job Market
- Career Pathways of Sociology Graduate Students
- Casting the Net Wide: Exploring Careers other than Faculty Positions
- Challenging Colonial and Racialized Inequities in Higher Education
- Communicate Research in Visual Ways with Research Retold
- Community Based Research: At the Intersections of Queerness and Gender
- Community-Based Research: An Introductory Discussion
- Community-Based Research: At the Intersections of Queerness and Disability
- Community-Based Research: At the Intersections of Race and Indigeneity
- Converting Your CV to a Resume
- Effective Social Media Use for Grad Students
- From draft to article: The process of publishing in an academic journal
- From Presentation to Publication
- Getting It Done – Tips and Tricks for Successful Dissertation Completion
- How to Communicate Your Research to the Public via Social Media or News Outlets
- It's Turtles All the Way Down: The Epistemic and Theoretical Considerations and Impact of Indigenous Methodologies
- Land Back / Land Acknowledgements: Bringing Indigenous Perspectives into the Institution
- Let's Talk Systemic Racism
- Methodological Dialogue: Digital Sociology
- Methodological Dialogue: Visual Sociology
- Navigating the Non-academic Job Market
- Navigating the Path to Tenure and Promotion in White Academy
- Racial Inequalities in the Times of COVID-19: Sociological Perspectives on the Social Production of Racial Inequalities in the Canadian Context
- Racialized policing in Canada and the drive to defund police
- Research, teaching and embodiment
- Survivance and Indigenous street lifestyles
- Taking care of yourself in an uncaring institution
- The Invasion of Ukraine: A Sociological Conversation about the Realities on the Ground, the Politics, and the Resistance
- Writing a Successful Conference Abstract: Practical Tips to Getting Your Abstract Accepted
- Writing Social Theory
- Writing Winning Grant / Scholarship Applications
Research Clusters
Animals in Society
- Animal Agribusiness: Acting Against Specieism
- International Association for Vegan Sociologists: Peer Reviewing in Sociology
- Intersections of Animal Studies & Disability Studies
- Worldly Togetherness? Showcasing sociological contributions to understanding multispecies entanglements
Applied and Community-Engaged Sociology
Internet, Technology and Digital Sociology
Political Sociology and Social Movements
Race and Ethnicity
Relational Sociology
Social Theory
- Writing Social Theory
- Symposium on anti-racist and anti-colonial theorizing: A roundtable discussion
Sociology of Childhood and Youth
Sociology of Disability
- Better dead than disabled? The consequences of extending access to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) to disabled people
- Intersections of Animal Studies & Disability Studies
Sociology of Education / Canadian Association of Sociology of Education
- Advocacy, School Engagement, and Adult Education: Exploring Black Motherhood in Ontario
- Challenges and Conflicts in Education Privatization Inside and Outside Canada: Critical Discourse and Policy Analysis
- COVID-19 and Educational Challenges
- COVID-19 and Educational Impacts across Secondary and Higher Education
- Disability Justice and Autism: Critical and Creative Approaches
- Education Law & Policy
- Experiential Learning
- Indigenous Student Voices, the TRC, and Decolonizing our Curricula
- Minority Education
- Post-Secondary Education and Socioeconomic Factors
- Reclaiming Cultural Wealth and Challenging Anti-Black Racism in Data Surveillance
- Seeking Truth and Reconciliation: Confronting Residential School Denialism
- The Challenges of Doing Education Research in Canada
- University Confidential: How faculty members engage in sensemaking AND social capital and role conflict among Deans
- What Do We Know About Canadian Schools?: Systemic gaps in pan-Canadian education datasets and First Nations Education in Ontario
Sociology of Health
Sociology of Migration
Violence and Society
2022 Annual Conference: Igniting Change Through Sociology
- Beyond the Crossroads: Persisting Colonial Patterns, Changing Settler Mindsets
- Challenges and Opportunities: Perspectives on Indigenizing and Decolonizing the Social Sciences in Higher Education
- Classe et contestation: Héritages du printemps érable
- Education in Canada: The American Dream or the New Inequality?
- Getting It Done – Tips and Tricks for Successful Dissertation Completion
- Indigenous-Settler Alliances and the Strategic Use of Rights Framing to Ignite Change
- Understanding Social Transition Through the Lens of Soft Universalism